Exposing lies of Vedkabhed on caste system

प्रियं मा दर्भ कृणु ब्रह्मराजन्याभ्यां शूद्राय चार्याय च । यस्मै च कामयामहे सर्वस्मै च विपश्यते ॥८॥ हे दर्भ ! ब्रह्मनिष्ठ ब्राह्मणों, क्षात्रतेज सम्पन्न क्षत्रियों, शूद्रों और आर्यश्रेष्ठों के लिए हम जिस प्रकार प्रियपात्र बन सकें, वैसा हमें बनाएँ। हम जिसके प्रति प्रेमपूर्ण व्यवहार करते हैं, उनके लिए आप भी हमें प्रियपात्र बनाएँ ॥ अथर्ववेद १९:३२:८॥ 8. Do thou, O Darbha, make me dear to Brāhman and Rājanya, dear to Sūdra, and to Arya dear, Yea, dear to every man we love, to every man with eyes to see. (Atharvaveda 19:32:8) Hello freinds! Today's topic is very serious. Many hinduphobic blogs like Vedkabhed again and again raise the topic of caste system. They say that the Vedic system of Varna was based on the individual birth of a person not his karma. Today we are going to answer these type of several questions. Caste was based on birth. There are several Hindu scriptures which claim that caste or varna was based on birth not nature or karma. Apastamba Dharma Shastra [Th...