Response to Vedkabhed on paedophilia in Hinduism.

In this blog I am again going to expose Suleiman Rizvi's (Vedkabhed author) another blog on Paedophilia in Hinduism . First he gave some refrences of Child marriage in India and blamed hinduism for this. So according to author all wrong things in India is are because of hindus. Author is not ready to accept that India is secular because of Hindu majority but he is ready to blame hindus for every wrong custom. Now as per the same logic I can accuse Islam. According to a report by UNICEF, Bangladesh has highest rate of Child marriage in Asia. India has highest no. of child marriage because of high population (China not submits it's data to UN). As per UNICEF 70 percent girls are married before 16 in Pakistan. A further 10 million underage girls marry every year — one every three seconds, according to ICRW. The legal age to marry in Pakistan is 18 for boys, but 16 for girls, though they can’t drive, vote, or open a bank account until adulthood. According...