द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षँ शान्तिः पृथिवी शान्तिरापः शान्तिरोषधयः शान्तिः । वनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वे देवाः शान्तिर्ब्रह्म शान्तिः सर्वँ शान्तिः शान्तिरेव शान्तिः सा मा शान्तिरेधि ॥ यजुर्वेद ३६:१७॥
स्वर्गलोक, अन्तरिक्षलोक तथा पृथिवीलोक हमें शांति प्रदान करें । जल शांतिप्रदायक हो, ओषधियाँ तथा वनस्पतियाँ शांति प्रदान करने वाली हों । सभी देवगण शांति प्रदान करें । सर्वव्यापी परमात्मा सम्पूर्ण जगत् में शांति स्थापित करें । शांति भी हमें परमशांति प्रदान करे॥१७॥
May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere.
May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers.
May peace flow over the whole universe.
May peace be in the Whole Universe.
And may there always exist in all peace and peace alone.
Om peace, peace and peace to us and all beings! (Yajurveda 36:17)
Hello readers! This entire article is my response to a blog named Killing Infidels in vedas. First let me give you the definition of some terms like dasyus and panis.
Author said that Panis were merchants whom Aryans used to loot for wealth. But he missed one thing that merchants and traders were called vaishyas which were part of vedic society and not outcaste as Panis are described. Then who were they? Rigveda defines them as miser and crook traders. Griffith translated them as niggard traffickers and thieves.
प्र बोधयोषः पृणतो मघोन्यबुध्यमानाः पणयः ससन्तु । रेवदुच्छ मघवद्भ्यो मघोनि रेवत्स्तोत्रे सूनृते जारयन्ती॥१०॥
1:124:10. Rouse up, O Wealthy One, the liberal givers; let niggard traffickers sleep on unwakened: Shine richly, Wealthy One, on those who worship, richly, glad. Dawn while wasting, on the singer.
उच्छन्तीरद्य चितयन्त भोजान्राधोदेयायोषसो मघोनीः । अचित्रे अन्तः पणयः ससन्त्वबुध्यमानास्तमसो विमध्ये॥३॥
4:51:3. Dispelling gloom this day the wealthy Mornings urge liberal givers to present their treasures. In the unlightened depth of darkness round them let niggard traffickers sleep unawakened.
अप त्यं वृजिनं रिपुं स्तेनमग्ने दुराध्यम् । दविष्ठमस्य सत्पते कृधी सुगम्॥१३॥
ग्रावाणः सोम नो हि कं सखित्वनाय वावशुः । जही न्यत्रिणं पणिं वृको हि षः॥१४॥
Rigveda 6:51:13. Agni, drive thou the wicked foe, the evil-hearted thief away, Far, far, Lord of the brave I and give us easy paths. 14. Soma, these pressing-stones have called aloud to win thee for our Friend. Destroy the greedy Pani, for a wolf is he.
Hence it can be concluded that Panis were those merchants who used to steal others wealth and they were not good people that's why they were different from Vaishyas. That's why they were also compared to thieves. S.B. 5:9:15 also called Panis as thieves.
अथ पणयस्तं स्वविधिनाभिषिच्याहतेन वाससाऽऽच्छाद्य भूषणालेपस्रक्तिलकादिभिरुपस्कृतं भुक्तवन्तं धूपदीपमाल्यलाजकिसलयाङ्कुरफलोपहारोपेतया वैशससंस्थयामहता गीतस्तुतिमृदङ्गपणवघोषेण च पुरुषपशुं भद्रकाल्या: पुरत उपवेशयामासु: ॥ १५ ॥
After this, all the thieves, according to their imaginative ritual for killing animalistic men, bathed Jaḍa Bharata, dressed him in new clothes, decorated him with ornaments befitting an animal, smeared his body with scented oils and decorated him with tilaka, sandalwood pulp and garlands. They fed him sumptuously and then brought him before the goddess Kālī, offering her incense, lamps, garlands, parched grain, newly grown twigs, sprouts, fruits and flowers. In this way they worshiped the deity before killing the man-animal, and they vibrated songs and prayers and played drums and bugles. Jaḍa Bharata was then made to sit down before the deity.
Nirukta 11:25 also define them as demon.
...There is a legend that the bitch of the gods, sent forth by Indra, conversed with the demons called Panis.”
This word is used for demons or evil people. It's root word is
aravan According to the
dictionary aravan means hostile and envious. So it is also not talking about Infidels.
Rakshasas and Dasyus
Rakshasas is used for evil people/demon. Valmiki Ramayana clarifies that,
मम पारे समुद्रस्य लंका नाम पुरी शुभा |
संपूर्णा राक्षसैः घोरैः यथा इन्द्रस्य अमरावती || ३-४८-१०
"My magnificent city known as Lanka is there on the other shore of the ocean, plethoric with all kinds of amenities, as well as with ghastly demons, which city will be on par with Indra's Amaravati, but for meekly gods and meaningless souls. [3-48-10]
Author said that non believers were called rakshasas in Vedas. In Ramayana, Ravana is called a rakshasa even though he was a great devotee of Lord Shiva, son of a great sage and Knower of 4 Vedas. One can also refer to
VS apte dictionary.
As per Nirukta, Dasyus were those who used to attack sacrifices.
Nirukta VII.23 “Dasyu is derived from (the root) das, meaning to lay waste : in him the juices are wasted, or he who destroys religious sacrifices.”
Both Rakshasas and Dasyus were evil, malignant and demons. They used to attack the sarcfices that's why Vedas ask gods to destroy them.
Satpath Brahmana 3:3:3:16.Now, once on a time, the gods, while performing sacrifice, were afraid of an attack from the Asura-Rakshas. They perceived that prayer for a safe journey; and having warded off the evil spirits by means of that prayer, they attained wellbeing in the safe and foeless shelter of that prayer. And so does he now ward off the evil spirits by means of that prayer, and attain wellbeing in the safe and foeless shelter of that prayer. For this reason he says, 'We have entered upon the path that leadeth to well-being, free from danger; whereon he escheweth all haters and meeteth with good.'
Rigveda 10:104:11. May he be swept away, himself and children: may all the three earths press him down beneath them. May his fair glory, O ye Gods, be blighted, who in the day or night would fain destroy us.
अया ते अग्ने समिधा विधेम प्रति स्तोमं शस्यमानं गृभाय । दहाशसो रक्षसः पाह्यस्मान्द्रुहो निदो मित्रमहो अवद्यात्॥
Rigveda 4:4:15. O Agni, with this fuel will we serve thee; accept the laud we sing to thee with favour Destroy the cursing Raksasas: preserve us, O rich in friends, from guile and scorn and slanderous.
Shatpath Brahmana 3:6:1:27. Now, once on a time, the gods, while performing sacrifice, were afraid of an attack on the part of the Asura-Rakshas. The Asura-Rakshas attacked them from the south and forced them out of the Sadas, and overturned those hearths (dhishnya) of theirs which are within the Sadas.
Shatpath Brahmana 3:5:3:15. Now, once on a time, the gods, while performing sacrifice, were afraid of an attack on the part of the Asura-Rakshas; and, the ghee being a thunderbolt, they kept off the evil spirits from the south by that thunderbolt, the ghee; and thus they came not after them on their way. And in like manner does he now keep off the evil spirits from the south by that thunderbolt, the ghee; and thus they do not come after him on his way. And the reason why he offers with two verses relating to Vishnu, is that the Soma-cart belongs to Vishnu.
In Rigveda 7:6:3, Panis are called also called dasyus. Actually, these words like Rakshasa, Panis and Dasyus are very similar words. In Manusmriti 7:143, dasyus are referred as thieves. Now let's analyse the claims of Author. First he quoted Rigveda 9:13:9, 7:6:3 and 9:63:5. I am quoting the original Sanskrit mantras here;
अपघ्नन्तो अराव्णः पवमानाः स्वर्दृशः । योनावृतस्य सीदत॥Rigveda 9:13:9॥
न्यक्रतून्ग्रथिनो मृध्रवाचः पणीँरश्रद्धाँ अवृधाँ अयज्ञान् । प्रप्र तान्दस्यूँरग्निर्विवाय पूर्वश्चकारापराँ अयज्यून्॥ Rigveda 7:6:3॥
इन्द्रं वर्धन्तो अप्तुरः कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम् । अपघ्नन्तो अराव्णः॥Rigveda 9:63:5॥
As you all can see, these verses are referring to Panis and aravanah. I already explained that these terms are not used for Infidels but Devi Chand translated them so. Note that Author critisised the Arya Samaj translations in his blog "The fake translation Saga" but now he is using them because they are suiting his agenda. It shows that he is a hypocrite.
One who does not offer Sacrifice is inhuman
Rig Veda 8.70.11 “May your friend, the cloud, hurl that infidel down from heaven who differs from us in rites and rituals, is inhuman, who does not observe fire sacrificials, and who does not show reverence to Nature’s bounties.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Rig Veda 7.97.9 “O Lord of knowledge, this laudation is for you…destroy the godless and the malice of our enemy.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Killing Avrata,
Rig Veda 9.73.8 “…he, the all-wise, looks over all worlds; he censures those who are hostile in action, and who do not offer sacrifices and render no public good.” Tr. Svami Satyaprakash Sarasvati
Rig Veda 1.84. 8 When will he trample, like a weed, the man [Infidel] who hath no gift for him…
Yaska writes,
Nirukta 5.17 When, with his foot, will he trample the unworshipping man like a mushroom
Rig Veda 8.64.1-2 “May our hymns please you; O lord of resolute will power, please display your bounty. May you drive off the infidels. May you crush with your foot the niggard churls who offer no homage. You are powerful; there is none so powerful as you are.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Rig Veda 5.2.10 “May you roaring flames, O adorable Lord, be manifest in the sky as sharp weapons, to destroy infidels. In his exhilaration may his shining splendour inflict destruction. The godless hands try to bind him from all sides but do not succeed.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Rig Veda 9.79.10 “The powerful flowing elixir…It is the conferer of wealth, the king of vigour; It crushes malignities and harasses the enemies.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Rig Veda 8.76.11 “Both the heaven and earth shudder when you, O the resplendent Lord, uttering your fearful roar, crush down the infidel.” Tr. Satya Prakash Sarawati
Atharva Veda 5.21.3 ‘Let this war drum made of wood, muffled with leather straps, dear to all the persons of human race and bedewed with ghee, speak terror to our foemen.”Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri
Rig Veda 9.19.6 ‘May you bring near to us those who stand aloof; may you strike terror into our foes; o pure flowing elixir, please transfer their riches to us.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati and Satyakam Vidyalankar
Yajur Veda 17.33 “He is an ideal commander of the army, who is swift, keeps his arms sharpened, fearless like a strong bull, a zealous killer of foes, strikes terror in men…” Tr. Devi Chand
Atharva Veda 4.31.7 “Let the King [Varuna] and Manyu, the warm emotion give us the wealth of both kinds-earned and gathered. Let our enemies overwhelmed with terror in their mind and spirit and defeated in their design run away.” Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri.
Yaska Acharya also writes about terror,
Nirukta 10.21 …These are hemistichs. Like a spear hurled, it inspires terror (among enemies) or courage (among friends)…
Yajur Veda 7.36 “We learned persons accept as our ruler, thee, the introducer of new plans for our advancement, the master of loyal subjects, the embodiment of virtue, the most advanced in noble qualities and acts, the queller of the irreligious…” Tr. Devi Chand
Yajur Veda 7.44 “…This fourth warrior, full of delight, should subdue the irreligious foes.” Tr. Devi Chand
Yajur Veda 13.12 “O king, make progress in thy duty of administration, extend happiness to the virtuous. O terrible chastiser, burn down the irreligious foes. O splendid person, humiliate and consume utterly like dried up stubble, him, who encourages our foe.” Tr. Devi Chand
Atharva Veda 11.2.23 He who dwells fixed in the atmosphere, smiting the blasphemers of the god that do not sacrifice, to him be reverence with ten sakvarî−stanzas!
My response
अन्यव्रतममानुषमयज्वानमदेवयुम् । अव स्वः सखा दुधुवीत पर्वतः सुघ्नाय दस्युं पर्वतः॥Rigveda 8:70:11॥
पदा पणीँरराधसो नि बाधस्व महाँ असि । नहि त्वा कश्चन प्रति॥Rigveda 8:64:2॥
उत स्वानासो दिवि षन्त्वग्नेस्तिग्मायुधा रक्षसे हन्तवा उ । मदे चिदस्य प्र रुजन्ति भामा न वरन्ते परिबाधो अदेवीः॥Rigveda 5:2:10॥
ओमासश्चर्षणीधृतो विश्वे देवास आ गत । दाश्वाँसो दाशुषः सुतम् । उपयामगृहीतो सि विश्वेभ्यस्त्वा देवेभ्यः । एष ते योनिर्विश्वेभ्यस्त्वा देवेभ्यः ॥ Yajurveda 17:33॥
अनु त्वा रोदसी उभे क्रक्षमाणमकृपेताम् । इन्द्र यद्दस्युहाभवः॥Rigveda 8:76:11॥
As you can see these verses are talking about Panis and Dasyus so they don't require any further explanation. Beside this author quoted some others refrences too. Let's check it out. Rigveda 7:97:9 is nowhere talking about killing Infidels.
इयं वां ब्रह्मणस्पते सुवृक्तिर्ब्रह्मेन्द्राय वज्रिणे अकारि । अविष्टं धियो जिगृतं पुरंधीर्जजस्तमर्यो वनुषामरातीः॥९॥
Look, there is no Sanskrit word for Infidels. This is just a prayer for protection from enemy armies.
Then quoted Rigveda 9:73:8 and claimed that it is ordering to kill infidels.
He said that Avrata word used in the verse is for Infidels. Avrata is used for lawless person who don't follow the rules of society.
Similarly, Rigveda 1:84:8 is talking about killing Aradhasas which mean greedy or wicked man. It is used for dasyus.
य एक इद्विदयते वसु मर्ताय दाशुषे । ईशानो अप्रतिष्कुत इन्द्रो अङ्ग॥७॥
कदा मर्तमराधसं पदा क्षुम्पमिव स्फुरत् । कदा नः शुश्रवद्गिर इन्द्रो अङ्ग॥८॥
Nirukta 5:17 also talk about crushing greedy man. Author used every word in vedas for Infidels which is actually used for wicked people or enemies.
Then he quoted Rigveda 9:79:10. There are only 5 verses in 9:79 so no need to give any response.
Then he quoted Atharvaveda 5:21:7. I don't know what is the mentality of author. It is clearly written in the translation quoted by him itself that dear to all the persons of human race but still he is claiming that it is against infidels. We all know that Atharvaveda is a book of charms. Atharvaveda 5:20-21 are charms for protection from enemies during the war. It is clearly written int he beginning of verse Let this war drum made of wood, muffled with leather straps,...
Similarly, RV 9:19:6, YV 17:33, AV 4:31:7 and Nirukta 10:21 are prayers Victory in war. On can read the translations quoted by the author. All of them talks about killing goes or enemies in war. Nowhere the word infidel or disbeliever came. Author is a Muslim. Maybe he thought that Vedas ask hindus to wage war against non hindus just like quran 9:5 says that all non Muslims should be killed just because some of them harmed you. Vedas ask to wage war against only those who harms you and it was not based on anyone's faith. I challenge the author to prove that these verses are talking about Infidels or disbelievers.
Then author quoted Yajur Veda 7.36, 7:44 and 13:12. In these verse, translater himself inserted the word infidel. It is present nowhere in the Sanskrit verse. These verses are also talking about killing enemies.
At last he quoted Atharvaveda 11:2:23.
योऽन्तरिक्षे तिष्ठति विष्टभितोऽयज्वनः प्रमृणन् देवपीयून् । तस्मै नमो दशभिः शक्वरीभिः ॥२३॥
This verse is talking about Devapiyun or enemy of god. It is used for dasyus.
याप सर्प विजमाना विमृग्वरी यस्यामासन्नग्नयो ये अप्स्वन्तः ।परा दस्यून् दद॑ती देवपीयूनिन्द्रं वृणाना पृथिवी न वृत्रम्। शक्राय दध्रे वृषभाय वृष्णे ॥Atharva Veda 12:1:37॥
The purifier, shrinking from the Serpent, she who held fires that lie within the waters, Who gives as prey the God-blaspheming Dasyus, Earth choosing Indra for her Lord, not Vritra, hath clung to Sakra, to the Strong and Mighty.
As dasyus used to attack sacrifices of god, the are called so. Again no refrence for Infidels.
Killing Women and Children
Atharva Veda 11.2.21 Do not covet our cattle, our men, our goats and sheep! Bend thy course elsewhere, O strong god (ugra), slay the offspring of the blasphemers!
Atharva Veda 5.20.4-5 “Let this war-drum victorious in the battle, loudly roaring and becoming the means of seizing whatever may be seized, be seen by all. Let this war-drum utter wonderful voice and let the army-controlling man capture the possessions of the enemies. Amid the conflict of the deadly weapons let the woman of enemy waked by the roar and afflicted run forward in her terror hearing the resounding and far reaching voice of the wardrum, holding her son in her hand.” Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri.Rig Veda 10.118.8 So, Agni, with thy glowing face burn fierce against the female fiends, Shining among Uruksayas.My Response
In Atharvaveda 11:2:21, Author added the word offspring from itself. You can check the screenshot he posted. Nowhere the word offspring is used in it. I don't what's wrong with him. He is a hypocrite. He don't even trust his own translation. And as I showed you earlier, whole AV 11:2 is talking about Devapiyun or dasyus. And as I already said Dasyus are not Infidels.
Next he quoted AV 5:20:4-5. As I already told you earlier that AV 5:20 is in context of war, it is just asking ladies to run away at the time of war. Killing of women and children is nowhere mentioned again.
At last he quoted Rigveda 10:118:8, which is talking about Rakshasis (female demons or wicked ladies). I don't think there is anything wrong in praying for killing of Wicked ladies.
स त्वमग्ने प्रतीकेन प्रत्योष यातुधान्यः । उरुक्षयेषु दीद्यत्॥८॥
Rig Veda 1.103.6 “To him, who is the performer of all deeds, the possessor and giver of strength, the truly powerful Lord, we offer devotional prayers. He a highwayman, snatches wealth from the godless exploiters and gives it to honest devotees.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Griffith’s translation,
Rig Veda 1.103.6 “…The Hero, watching like a thief in ambush, goes parting the possessions of the godless.” Tr. Ralph T.H. Griffith
Rig Veda 1.93.4 Agni and Soma, famed is that your. prowess wherewith ye stole the kine, his food, from Paṇi…
Rig Veda 9.61.25 “The elixir of divine love flows onward, chasing the malignant, and driving off the withholders of wealth and thus it proceeds to the holy abode of the resplendent Lord.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Rig Veda 7.19.9 ‘O bounteous Lord, pious devotees, skilled in reciting hymns, sing their songs to you for your adoration. May you select us also to join them who by their homage to you, have become entitled to appropriate the riches of infidels‘. Tr. Satya Prakash Saraswati
Rig Veda 8.75.12 ‘Leave us not in this conflict as a bearer of load; snatch up the wealth of infidels and give it to us.’ Tr. Satya Prakash Saraswati
Rig Veda 5.4.5 “…May you come to bless our fire ritual. May you having scattered all our adversaries, bring to us the possessions of our foeman.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Here god is prayed to eliminate the rivals and to bring their wealth. Yaska writes on this verse,
Nirukta 4.5 “Having destroyed all assailants, bring to us the treasures of our enemies, i.e. having destroyed the forces of our adversaries, bring to us the treasures or the food from the homes of our enemies.”- Nirukta 4.5
My Response
Rigveda 1:103:6 talking in context of war. As we all know in war the enemies wealth is taken, it is asking God to take the wealth of enemies. And these enemies are not Infidels. It is talking about परिपन्थीव which mean dacoits or theives. So this verse hymn is praying Indra for waging war against dacoits and take there wealth.
Rigveda 1:93:4 is again about Panis or thieves.
अग्नीषोमा चेति तद्वीर्यं वां यदमुष्णीतमवसं पणिं गाः । अवातिरतं बृसयस्य शेषोऽविन्दतं ज्योतिरेकं बहुभ्यः॥४॥
Rigveda 9:61:25 is talking about aravanah.
अपघ्नन्पवते मृधोऽप सोमो अराव्णः । गच्छन्निन्द्रस्य निष्कृतम्॥२५॥
Rigveda 7:19:9 is again about Panis.
सद्यश्चिन्नु ते मघवन्नभिष्टौ नरः शंसन्त्युक्थशास उक्था । ये ते हवेभिर्वि पणीँरदाशन्नस्मान्वृणीष्व युज्याय तस्मै॥९॥
Rigveda 8:75:12 is talking about enemies. Again the word infidel is inserted by translator.
मा नो अस्मिन्महाधने परा वर्ग्भारभृद्यथा । संवर्गं सं रयिं जय॥१२॥
12. In this great battle cast us not aside as one who bears a load: Snatch up the wealih and win it all.
Rigveda 5:4:5 and Nirukta 4:5 are talking about enemies or foeman not Infidels as you can see in the translation quoted by author. I don't know why author is quoting the verses related to enemies here.
The reason it is important to know who are Demons in Hinduism is because Hindu apologists find no problem with violent verses in the Veda because it says to kill ‘Demon’, they just say that these verses are referring to Demons and not to non-Hindus and try to get rid of the argument. As I said earlier Hindu apologists usually takes violent verses in lighter vein because it says to kill demons. Vedas are said to be eternal, now the question is if those verses were applicable only to Demons then it means that those verses have become useless now. So why God revealed such verses for limited period of time in the eternal book?
Swami Dayanand Saraswati wrote,”The Dwijaas( the twice-born) – Braahmanaas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyaas are called Aryas, while the Shudras are called Anaryas, or Non-Aryas.”ATHARVA VEDA 19:62. In the face ofthese Vedic authorities how can sensible people believe in the imaginary tales of the foreigners. In the Devaasurawars, Prince Arjuna and King Dashrathaand others of Aryavarta used to go to the assistance of the Aryas in order to crush the Asuras. This shows that the people living outside Aryavarta were called Dasyus and Malechhaas… Besides, Manu also corroborates our position. He says, “The countries other than Aryavarta are called Dasyus and Malechha countries.” MANU 10:45, 2:23. The people living in the north-east, north, north-west were called Rakshasas.” Satyarth Prakash, by Dayanand Saraswati, Ch 8, page 266, Tr. Chrinajiva Bhardwaja
Dasyu and Rakshasa mean demon. Here Swami Dayanand quoting Manu Smriti says that all people living outside Aryavrata and those who do not belong to four castes are demons (Rakshasa, Dasyu) and barbarians (Mleccha). According to Hindu Dharma all the non Hindus are demons and barbarians. Here is the full translation of Manu Smriti,
Manu Smriti 10.45 All those tribes in this world, which are excluded from (the community of) those born from the mouth, the arms, the thighs, and the feet (of Brahman), are called Dasyus, whether they speak the language of the Mlekkhas (barbarians) or that of the Aryans.
Now some say that this doesn’t refer to Non-Hindus but to caste Hindus who lost their status on account of their neglecting their religious rites which lead them to loss of caste. They aren’t convinced even after providing explanation by their own scholar. Maybe they didn’t read verse 43 of this chapter 10 which says that by neglecting sacrifices the Dvijas made their successive generation fell to the status of Shudra not Dasyu. If Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra losing their caste made them Dasyu, the question is why they aren’t regarded as outcaste but as Dasyu? Because verse 43 and 45 aren’t correlated. Verse 45 is plain and clear that those tribe outside the pale of four Varnas are Dasyu and non-Hindus aren’t included in the four castes. Manu Smriti 10.45 also refutes the claim of apologists who claim that Dasyu means non-Human beings since Manu 10.45 states that Dasyu can be from four castes also who has abandoned their Vedic religion (if we go by the explanation of apologists) since they claim that Dasyu refers to demons only. Hindu scriptures from Veda to Purana mentions demon, so where are all those demons now? Dayanand Saraswati wrote,
“You can still see that the description of Raakshasas given therein tallies with the ugly appearance of the negroes of today.” Satyarth Prakash, by Dayanand Saraswati, Ch 8, page 266, Tr. Chrinajiva Bhardwaja
So he is comparing Rakshasa with present day Negroes (black people) we can ascertain from this line that people living in north east and north west were not really monsters but were native people who are described in such racist manner. Swami Prabhupada also wrote,
Swami Prabhupada writes: “…An atheist is called a demon, and it is a fact that even a person born of good parents can turn into a demon by bad association…” Swami Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagavatam 3.3.6
An Indologist wrote about Dasyu,
“The picture of the dasyu that emerges from these passages is quite different from that of the raksas. There is nothing about taking the form of a bird and flying by night, no mention of disrupting sacrifices, and no connection with black magic. The dasyus seem to be human beings of a different race from the Aryans and of a different (adevic and abrahamanic) religion. The mention of the proper names of various dasyus who are defeated for (or by) certain Aryan princes (e.g. Dabhiti) also makes the dasyu sound more like historical figures. There are occasional mentions of taking land from the dasyus (RV 4.38.1). The mention of dasyus in connection with fortresses (pur-) is also a characteristic which is in contrast to the raksases. Raksases do not build fortresses and fight from them. It seems quite safe to agree with the general conclusion of Vedic scholars that dasyu refers to the indigenous people of the land whom the invading Aryans conquered or absorbed.” by Wash Edward Hale, p.154, Asura in Early Vedic Religion, Published by Motilal Banarsidass Publisher, 1986.
Moreover the Aryans were engaged in battle against the Dasyus and the reason given is Dasyus sings no [Vedic] hymns; Dasyus are riteless, Dasyus have alien laws; Dasyus differs from rites and rituals and doesn’t observe fire sacrifices; Dasyus are faithless, niggars, without belief, sacrifice and worship. The main reason given to fight them is that Dasyus do not offer any gifts to Vedic deities and Indra was often invoked to wage a war against the Dasyu. Refer my article Killing infidels in Hinduism for references. Dasa and Dasyu has been synonymously used in the Vedas. The Persian word Dahae maybe related to the Dasyu tribe mentioned in the Vedas. “The Dahae were a Scythian people of ancient Central Asia. A confederation of three tribes – the Parni, Xanthii and Pissuri – the Dahae lived in an area now comprising much of modern Turkmenistan. The area has consequently been known as Dahestan, Dahistan and Dihistan” [end quote]. The word Parni is also believed to be the Iranian word for Panis tribe. The Panis and Dasyu may be have been closely related to each other that’s the reason they are mentioned together in Rig Veda 7.6.3; 5.34.6. Many Indologists have also opined that Dasa were a tribe of humans not demons. Apologist pathetic response would be that Dasyu in the Veda are described as having numerous eyes and hands which is a proof that they were demons. Even Rishis who are said to be humans are described in some texts as of having three heads, Vedic deities as of having face of horse, animal getting pregnant after drinking semen of Rishis, does that prove that Rishis and Vedic deities were also demons? Hindus have a long history of using epithets against other religions, the Aryans used to consider Dasyu as Anasa which literally translates to noseless but it actually means flat nosed.
Now let’s move on to Panis tribe. Panis too are described as Demons, but Yaska in Nirukta also calls them Merchant (Nirukta 2.17). Panis tribe were rich traders and they were consistently attacked by Aryans to plunder them since they did not patronize the priests who then invoked Vedic gods to attack Panis. Apologists gives lame excuse, when defending verses about killing and plundering Panis tribe, all that they say is Panis were demons and doesn’t explain the part where Aryans plundered them and were the first to fight the Panis tribe. If they were demons then why Aryans were so eager to get their donations? Veda reiterates that Panis brings no gifts to Vedic deities, so why crave for their wealth if they were so demonic in nature? Veda also mentions a member of Panis community named Bribu who is praised in Rig Veda 6.45.31 because he is said to have gifted many cows to Rishi Bhardwaj (Manu Smriti 10.107) in which he is referred to as a carpenter. Now all of a sudden a Panis member is praised, what’s the reason? Because the reason to kill and plunder them is clearly given in Atharva Veda 20.93.2 that the Panis brings no gifts, had they given donations like Panis Bribu then they would’ve been spared and would’ve also been praised in the Vedas. Panis were rich merchants, they also had carpenters they used to rear cattle, engaged in trade and amassed wealth. These are the characteristics of humans not demons.
Kikata too were plundered like Dasyu and Panis tribes because they didn’t observe Vedic rituals and didn’t make donations to Vedic deities. Veda also mentions Zoroastrians and calls them demons (Asura). The Asuras mentioned in Vedas are non other than Zoroastrians. They are actually Ahura worshippers (Zoroastrians). Vedic religion and Zoroastrianism are roughly of the same age they have many similarities like Vedic Yagna is called Yasna in Zoroastriniasm, Soma is Homa, Deva in Veda are positive while Daeva in Zoroastrianism is neutral to negative, Zoroastrian text also mentions Aryans. From Rig Veda Mandal 1 to 7, Vedic deities are also called as Asur but the definition when applied to Vedic deities is ‘Mighty’. When the Aryans moved from Central Asia to India they brought with them the memories, thus the word Asura is used till Rig Veda Mandal 7 as a praiseworthy word. And then it was turned negative and was also used later to describe enemies residing in eastern part of India such as Bengal and Assam like Asura king Naraka of Pragiyotisapura in Assam or Mahishasura. There’s also a tribe in India named Asur people who claim themselves to be descendants of Mahishasura.
People of Lanka in Ramayana has been described as Demons. Hanuman burned hundreds of demons inhabiting Lanka for no fault of their when Ram’s enmity was towards Ravana and not towards inhabitants of Lanka. Ramayana makes no mention of humans residing in Lanka but refers to the people of Lanka as demons. Go to Sri Lanka and tell me how many demons you found there or at least try to find their bones.
Now let’s move on to the Puranas, which is the most important point here. Many Puranas especially Vishnu Purana book 3 chapters 17 & 18 states that demons embraced Buddhism and Jainism. The reason I quote Vishnu Purana again and again is because two chapters of this scripture are dedicated in denigrating Buddhism and Jainism and gives a picture of how Hinduism perceives other religions. Hindu text says that demons embraced Buddhism. Their disciples and disciples would continue to preach this religion. Now as you may know Buddhism’s history is not unknown like Hinduism’s. We know who its founder was and when Buddhism was founded, we know that its founder really existed and was not a mythological figure. Buddhism was founded in the 6th century B.C. It was a time when humans had started recording history. So you tell me did any Greek, Roman or any traveller ever recorded that demons used to live in India and they embraced Buddhism as stated in Hindu scriptures? So what Hindus did is nothing but demonization of their enemies. Hinduism recognizes many tribes and Dasyus, Panis, Yavana… were among them and they have been demonized because as mentioned in Manu (10.45) all those who do not belong to four castes are Dasyu and Malechas. Now some also justify violent verses of Vedas saying that all violent verses about killing godless, riteless, those who do not offer gifts actually refers to demons and not to human beings and that demons were averse to humanity. An Asura named Rambha who was the father of Mahishasur was a devotee of Vedic deity Agni. Vishnu Purana bk 3 ch 17-18 states that demons were Vedic followers who couldn’t be killed unless they apostatizes from Vedic Dharma and embraces other religions like Buddhism and Jainism. So what these incidents prove is that even demons could follow Vedic religion but still that wouldn’t make them Hindus or Humans since Hinduism believes in birth based and only those belonging to four castes can be considered Vedic followers. So this refutes the claim that demons were averse to Devas or Humanity.
It is mentioned in Sutras,
Apastamba Sutra, Prasna I, Patala 9, Khanda 27.11 The expression Krishna Varna, ‘the black race,’ is truly Vedic. In the Rig-veda it usually denotes the aboriginal races, and sometimes the demons.
Vedas also states that the one who offers no worship is inhuman, wicked, evil, miser etc.,
Rig Veda 9.20.5 “Preserve us from the reproach of every one, who makes no offerings, is vicious and wicked and who utters ill words, so that we may be free (from anxiety).” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Shouldn’t Ishwar be friendly with entire creation? Why Ishwar is friendly only with those who make offerings? Was it invented by Rishis to get wealth in the name of god? What about the poor people who don’t even have money to feed their children. Will Ishwar forgive them or punish them as he commands to kill those who doesn’t pour gifts.
My Response
Author argued that why the verses related to demons are present in vedas if they are eternal, as demons don't exist today. Hinduism believes in the theory of creation and destruction, that's why Vedas have these verses. These demons can come again in the next creation. And most of the time, these verses refer to the wicked people who are called demon. Then author said that dasyus were outcaste who used to live outside the aryan society and they were called demons just because they were non hindus. Here author is himself looks confusing. First he compared dasyus with dahae tribes and said that dasyus were persians. And then he quoted Wash Edward's paper which say that dasyus were the indigenous people of India whom Aryans from Iran invaded. So I am not going to answer this because author's statements are contradicting.
Then the author said that Panis were rich traders whom Aryans used to invade for wealth. He wrote :-Aryans plundered them and were the first to fight the Panis tribe. But author is again wrong here because there are many references where Panis steal the wealth of people like Rigveda 10:108:11 in which they steal cattles of sages. Definition of Panis is already explained above so I am not going to repeat that all. He also quoted Rigveda 6:45:31, but 24th verse of that Sukta is clearly asking to salt those who steal cows (please note that in vedas cows are used as metaphor for any type of wealth). Then he started beating the bush that Panis were zoroastrians and all without giving any proof so no need to explain anything.
Then he said that in Ramyana it is written that all the inhabitants of Lanka were demons. Again he is wrong. One can read the description of people of Lanka in Sunderkand Sarga 4.
That illustrious monkey passing from house to house, observed the many dwellings of varying forms, on every side and listened to the melodious chanting in triple modulation, of women sick with love, who resembled celestial nymphs. He heard the tinkling of their girdles and the clashing of their anklets, as they ascended the stairways of those dwellings belonging to the great Ones, and here and there the sound of clapping of hands and the clicking of castanets. He heard also the intoning of sacred formulas in the dwellings of the titans and the recitation of those occupied in the study of the Veda.
Look, it is clearly written that people were chanting mantras there. So Author's claim that Lanka people were called rakshasas because they were not hindus is totally false. Then he quoted Vishnu Purana 3:17-18 and said that according to it, all Budhists are demons. I think the author has lack of common sense. This chapter say that Demons became Budhists not that all Budhists are demon. They were called demons even before becoming Budhist.
Vishnu Purana 3: 17
Then he quoted Apastamba Dhamrasutra 1:9:27:11,
11. A Brāhmaṇa removes the sin which he committed by serving one day and night (a man of) the black race, if he bathes for three years, eating at every fourth meal-time.
Look nowhere it is written that black race is demon. Suleiman didn't quoted the translation but just the commentry by author which is not valid. In my article regarding caste system I already explained that shudras were called black race because of there gunas. At last he quoted Rigveda 9:20:5 and he used Satyaprakash Saraswati translation. Note that Author in one of his translation critisised Arya Samaj translation but no he is using them because they suit there agenda. Shameless and pathetic! I challenge author to show even a single word in the original Sanskrit verse which can be translated as those who not offer.
त्वं राजेव सुव्रतो गिरः सोमा विवेशिथ । पुनानो वह्ने अद्भुत॥५॥
5. As thou art cleansed, O Wondrous Steed, O Soma, thou hast entered, like A pious King, into the songs.
Beheading the Demons (Non Hindus)
Krishna Yajur Veda 6.2.10 “…Here do I cut off the neck of the Raksas, who hateth us, and whom we hate’, he says; there are two people, he whom he hates and he who hates him; verily straightway he cuts their necks…”
Atharva Veda 1.7.7 O Agni, bring thou hitherward the Yatudhanas bound and chained. And afterward let Indra tear their heads off with his thunder-bolt.
Yajur Veda 5.26 By impulse of God Savitar I take thee with arms of Asvins, with the hands of Peahen.Thou art a woman. Here I cut the necks of Rakshasas away. Barley art thou. Bar off from us our haters, bar our enemies…
Rig Veda 6.26.3 Thou didst impel the sage to win the daylight, didst ruin Śuṣṇa for the pious Kutsa.The invulnerable demon’s head thou clavest when thou wouldst win the praise of Atithigva.
Rig Veda 8.14.13 With waters’ foam thou torest off, Indra, the head of Namuci, Subduing all contending hosts.
My Response
He cherry picked Krishna yajurveda 6:2:10 with half narrative.
On the impulse of the god Savitr', (with these words) he takes up the spade, for impelling. 'With the arms of the Açvins he says, for the Açvins were the priests of the gods. 'With the hands of Pusan', be for restraint. Now the spade is as it were a bolt; 'Thou art the spade; thou art the, woman', he says, to appease it. Now, as each part is performed, the Raksases seek to injure the sacrifice; 'The Raksas is encompassed, the evil spirits are encompassed', he says, to smite away the Raksases [1]. 'Here do I cut off the neck of the Raksas, who hateth us, and whom we hate', he says; there are two people, he whom he hates and he who hates him; verily straightway he cuts their necks. 'To sky thee, to atmosphere thee, to earth thee!' he says; verily he anoints it for these worlds. He anoints from the top downwards; therefore [2]
As I said earlier too, Rakshasas used to ataack sacrifices that's why Vedas pray to kill rakshasas. Same thing is written in Satpath Brahmana 3:3:3:16.
Then he Atharvaveda 1:7:7, which is actually a hymn for protection from Yatudhanas. Yatudhanas is a word used for evil spirits in vedas. Vedas also pray to the god to show them right path.
अयं स्तुवान आगमदिमं स्म प्रति हर्यत ।
बृहस्पते वशे लब्ध्वाग्निषोमा वि विध्यतम् ॥ 8.2॥
Welcoming those wicked minded people who came here for repentance. O guiding star! source of bright knowladge! By your grace take them in your control. To cure them, O Agni & Soma examine them.
यातुधानस्य सोमप जहि प्रजां नयस्व च ।
नि स्तुवानस्य पातय परमक्षुतावरम् ॥8.3॥
O Soma! you let us drink the nectar of knowledge by your grace. Let the evil-nature gets destroyed by roots, let this reach to the children of evil-minded once & let them also be made good minded. Let the eyes be lowered of those, who praise you.
Next he quoted Yajurveda 5:26, which is talking about Rakshasa who attack sacrifices. 25th verse pray Vishnu (God) as protector of sacrifice who slay rakshasas.
Then he quoted Rigveda 6:26:3 and 8:14:13. These verse are talking about shambhasur and Namuchi. Both of them were demons and calling them non Hindus is foolishness.
Rig Veda 6.44.11 “Give us not, O showerer of benefits, to the wicked. Relying upon your friendship, O Lord of riches, may we remain unharmed. Many are the boons you distribute amongst men; may you demolish those who make no libation, and root out those who present no offerings.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Rig Veda 1.176.4 Slay everyone who pours no gift, who, hard to reach, delights thee not. Bestow on us what wealth he hath: this even the worshipper awaits.
My Response
Read the translations quoted by author. Rigveda 6:44:11 clearly ask for help for protection from Indra. I think it is also talking about Rakshasa. Same explantation for Rigveda 1:176:4 because the very next verse is asking for protection of sacrifices from rakshasas.
Ishwar commands to plunder the property of people who do not offer gifts and then to kill them.
Rig Veda 1.81.9 …Discover thou, as Lord, the wealth of men who offer up no gifts: bring thou to us this wealth of theirs.
Atharva Veda 20.93.2 Crush with thy foot the niggard churls who bring no gifts. Might art thou: There is not one to equal thee.
Rig Veda 9.22.7 “Thou, Soma, boldest wealth in kine which thou hast seized from niggard churls: Thou calledst forth the outspun thread.” Tr. Ralph T.H. Griffith
English translation by Arya Samaji scholar,
Rig Veda 9.22.7 “O elixir of bliss, you hold the wealth of kine which you win from the greedy persons; you are the force behind the extended thread (of creation).” Tr. Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati
This verse refers to the Panis tribe, according to some scholars the Panis tribe were also part of the Vedic society but were plundered and killed because they made no offerings to Ishwar, this is why they are considered Niggards. But Yaska gives a different meaning, Yaska writes that Panis tribe were Demons. One is not to be deluded by the usage of the word Demon here as Demons and Barbarians are those who does not follow the Veda or who lives beyond the boundaries of Aryavarta. The Vedic followers are commanded here to crush the Panis tribe only because they make no offerings to Vedic Gods. There are more evidences to show that tribes were plundered and killed just because they made no offerings to Vedic gods.
Atharva Veda 20.56.6 These people, Indra, keep for thee all that is worthy of thy choice. Discover thou, as Lord, the wealth of men who offer up no gifts: bring thou to us this wealth of theirs.
My Response
Rigveda 1:81:1.THE men have lifted Indra up, the Vrtra slayer, to joy and strength: Him, verily, we invocate in battles whether great or small: be he our aid in deeds of might.
Rigveda 1:81, is in the context of war.
Then he quoted Atharvaveda 20:93:2 and Rigveda 9:22:7 which is talking about Panis.
पदा पणींरराधसो नि बाधस्व महामसि । नहि त्वा कश्चन प्रति ॥२॥
त्वं सोम पणिभ्य आ वसु गव्यानि धारयः । ततं तन्तुमचिक्रदः॥७॥
Author again started talking nonsense that Panis were traders but they were referred as niggard just because they were Non Hindus. But he didn't gave any proof regarding this. I already explained Panis and gave a refrence in which Panis were stealing. It shows that Author's claims are baseless.
Plundering Godless (Adeva)
Rig Veda 10.138.4 He boldly cast down forts which none had e’er assailed: unwearied he destroycd the godless treasure-stores. Like Sun and Moon he took the stronghold’s wealth away, and, praised in song, demolished foes with flashing dart.
Following is the Hindi translation by Arya Samaji scholar Shripad Damodar Satwalekar
My Response
The author's translation, states that adeva means godless which is wrong in grammatical sense. In Sanskrit, Deva means divine and adeva means non divine. In Manusmriti 9:315, adeva is used for non divine or immortals. So translating it as infidel or godless is nonsense.
Dark races
Rig Veda 7.5.3 “Through your fear, O universal fire, the dark evil forces, though of many minds, come under a control, having abandoned their possessions. Adorable Lord, may you shine upon all men and blaze, consuming the cities of their foes.” Tr. Svami Satyaprakash Sarasvati
Another clear translation,
Rig Veda 7.5.3 “For fear of thee forth fled the dark-hued races, scattered abroad, deserting their possessions, When, glowing, O Vaiśvānara, for Pūru, thou Agni didst light up and rend their castles.” Tr. Ralph T.H. Griffith
My Response
त्वद्भिया विश आयन्नसिक्नीरसमना जहतीर्भोजनानि । वैश्वानर पूरवे शोशुचानः पुरो यदग्ने दरयन्नदीदेः॥ Rigveda 7:5:3
Asikni word is used here in this mantra which has several meanings like night, dark, black etc. Darkness or black is used as a symbol to represent evil powers in almost all languages. Author used Satyaprakash Saraswati translation who translated it as :-"the dark evil forces". Sri Ram Sharma too translated it as " people of evil deeds".
O Agni! When you destroyed the cities of the enemies of 'Raja Puru' with your illustrious glory, then the people of evil deeds were scattered and dispersed.
In Rigveda 4:17:1
askini is used for night. Maharishi Dayananda and Siddhantalankar also translated it as night.
Nowhere the verse is asking to people because they are black. It's author's own imagination.
Ishwar Behaving like a Thug
Rig Veda 7.93.5 “When two large, mutually defiant hosts, emulous in corporal vigour, contest, may you destroy the godless in favour of the god fearing and in favour of the person who pours out devotional sentiments.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Rig Veda 4.25.7 (Indra), the drinker of the effused Soma, contracts no friendship with the wealthy trader who offers not any libation ; he takes away his wealth ; destroys him when destitute; but he is a special (friend) to him who presents the libation and oblation.
Rig Veda 5.34.8 When Indra, the possessor of opulence, discriminates between two men, both wealthy, and exerting themselves (against each other) for the sake of valuable cattle, he takes one of them [The one who performs Yajna] as his associate, causing (his adversaries) to tremble, and the agitator (of the clouds), together with the Maruts, bestows upon him herds of cattle.
Other verses shows that Ishwar provides protection to those who make offerings to him, but Ishwar slays the person who doesn’t worship or make offerings. Why is Ishwar behaving like a thug? Shouldn’t Ishwar be equal and friendly to everyone irrespective of their offerings? All the verses I quoted above orders to kill those who make no offerings, there are several instances in Vedas wherein tribesmen were killed just because they made no offering to Ishwar,
Rig Veda 3.53.14 “O bounteous Lord, of what avail are the cattle of infidels to you. Neither they yield milk nor do these faithless persons kindle sacred fire. May you bring wealth of these unbelievers to us and give us possession of people of low mortality and crush them.” Tr. SayaPrakash Saraswati
This verse is referring to the Kikata tribe who were plundered by Vedic heroes and killed. Maharishi Yaska explains this as,
Nirukta 6.32 What are the cows doing in Kikata? Kikata is the name of a country where the non-Aryans dwell. Non-Aryan tribes are (so called because it is said),’What have they done? Or their assumption is that religious rites are useless. They neither get the milk to mix with the soma, nor kindle fire.
Here the Vedic god is invoked to plunder the cows of of Kikata people and to plunder the wealth of the king of Kikata tribe. As I said earlier, many tribes were plundered and looted by Vedic gods just because they made no offering to Ishwar, Kikata and Panis tribes are few examples. Here is another translation by Arya Samaj,
Rig Veda 3.53.14 “O learned king! you possess admirable wealth, what do the cattle do among the atheists because they have no faith in the Vedic teachings and rites or in place inhabited by them. They yield no milk to mix with the Soma, and do not perform the Yajna with the ghee of the cows. Therefore, bring them to us, so that we may use them for hospitality (giving the milk mixed with Soma) to teachers and preachers. Give us wealth taken away from the wicked persons for the use of those who hailing from a good family come to us. Remove far away from us a man who uses his power for doing mean or inglorious acts or keep him under us.” Tr. Acharya Dharma Deva Vidya Martanda
Swami Dayanand Saraswati wrote on this verse, “As the cows do not grow among the wicked atheists, in the same manner, Dharma and other virtues do not grow among the persons lacking faith. Among the enlightened persons atheists can never have the upper hand. Therefore, good scholars should blot out atheism.” Tr. Acharya Dharma Deva Vidya Martanda
My response
Rigveda 7:93:5 is a just prayer for supporting godly people in war. That's why it is written:-When two large, mutually defiant hosts, emulous in corporal vigour, nothing like looting and killing non hindus.
Rigveda 4:25:7 is about Panis.
न रेवता पणिना सख्यमिन्द्रोऽसुन्वता सुतपाः सं गृणीते । आस्य वेदः खिदति हन्ति नग्नं वि सुष्वये पक्तये केवलो भूत्॥७॥
Rigveda 5:34:8 is nowhere talking about supporting those who bring offers and all. This verse actually says if Indra has marked two wealthy men fighting for cows with their followers, he sides by one and transfers the kin to him. Nowhere any word for the one who performs Yajna.
Then he quoted RV 3:53:14 and Nirukta 6:32 with half narrative. Let me quote the entire Nirukta 6:32.
What cows are doing in Kikata country? Kikata is the name of the country where Non-Aryans dwell. What do the Kikatas do? Don’t they believe in Dharma? Neither do they get the milk of the cow nor don’t they fire for Dharma. Bring us the wealth of Paramagandha. Magandha means usurer. He donate with the thought that it will come back to him later. His offspring is Paramagandha. Paramagandha means born in the family of the great usurer. He is always engaged in usury; he believes the entire world belonged to him; he is impotent; he is fond of sexual intercourse or he paralysis himself. Now “Naichashaakham” who belongs to lower branch (It seems like he is compared with born in a low class because of his usury nature). Shaka is derived from the root word Sak which means to be able; Oh lord of wealth, subdue him to us. The verb “radhyati” means subdue.
Look it is praying Indra to take the wealth of Pramagandha means usurer; one who lends money at unreasonably high rates. He is also described as lusty, greedy and impotent. RV 3:53:14 and Nirukta 6:32 are asking to take the wealth of Pramagandha not kikatas.
किं ते कृण्वन्ति कीकटेषु गावो नाशिरं दुह्रे न तपन्ति घर्मम् । आ नो भर प्रमगन्दस्य वेदो नैचाशाखं मघवन्रन्धया नः॥१४॥
14. Among the Kikatas what do thy cattle? They pour no milky draught, they heat no caldron. Bring thou to us the wealth of Pramaganda;give up to us, O Maghavan, the low-born.
As you can see, this verse is asking to take the wealth of Pramagandha, not common Kikatas. Only Arya Samaji translators added unbelievers in this verse.
The entire hymn of Atharva 2.19 is dedicated in burning those who hate Ishwar and to whom Ishwar hates,
Atharva Veda 2.19.1 Burn thou, O Agni, with that heat of thine against the man who hates us, whom we hate.
Atharva Veda 10.5.15 “…By him we attack on him who hates us and whome we abhor. We overthrow and slay him through this knowledge, through this act and through this fatal weapon.” Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri
Atharva Veda 10.5.25 …from earth we bar him who hates us and whom we hate.
The Arya Samaj commentary states that a, ‘Man [Brahmin] should satisfy himself by killing his enemies with the miraculous powers given by God’.
Rig Veda 3.53.21 “O resplendent Lord, brave and opulant, protect us this day against our foes with many and excellent defences, may the vile wretch who hates us fall before us; May the breath of life depart from him whom we hate.” Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati
Yajur Veda 15.15 This one in front, golden-tressed, with sunbeams; the leader of his host and his chieftain are Rathagritsa and Rathaujas, and Puñjikasthalâ: and Kratusthalâ his Apsarases. Biting animals are his weapon, homicide his missile weapon; to them be homage: may they protect us, may they have mercy upon us. In their jaws we place the man whom we hate and who hates us.
Atharva Veda 10.3.3 This charm shall conquer and cast down thy foemen. Be thou the first to slay the men who hate thee.
Is it right to kill someone just because they hate you or Ishwar? What kind of God is Ishwar who commands to kill the person who just hates him. The above verse explicitly says to be the first one to kill those who just ‘Hate’ you. Is this justifiable? If you just oppress a Brahmin you are liable to be killed according to Vedas, but the Brahmin can kill you, deprive you of your property, there is no sin in this, but oppressing a Brahmin is a grave sin in Vedas,
‘Atharva Veda 13.3.1 ‘…O Rohita (King) agitate destroy and entangle in snares the man doing wrong to Brahman.” , Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri.
Atharva Veda 12.5.52 Rend, rend to pieces, rend away, destroy, destroy him utterly. Destroy Angirasi! the wretch who robs and wrongs the Brahmans, born.
Poor Shudra’s fate is to be oppressed by Brahmins,
Manu Smriti 8.417 A Brahmana may confidently seize the goods of (his) Sudra (slave); for, as that (slave) can have no property, his master may take his possessions.
Maharishi Manu says that a Brahmin can even kill anyone who hurts him without bringing notice to the King,
Manu Smriti 9.31-33 A Brahmana who knows the law need not bring any (offence) to the notice of the king; by his own power alone be can punish those men who injure him. His own power is greater than the power of the king; the Brahmana therefore, may punish his foes by his own power alone. Let him use without hesitation the sacred texts, revealed by Atharvan and by Angiras; speech, indeed, is the weapon of the Brahmana, with that he may slay his enemies.
My response
I think the author is writing all that in intoxication. AV 2:19:1, 10:15:5, 10:5:25, RV 3:53:21, YV 15:15 are prayers for protection from enemies. The chanter is praying to gods for protection from his enemies. It talking about haters of chanter not those who hate god. In all these verses, we (the human individuals) pray the God to destroy those who hates us. None of the verse say to destroy those who hate God. I think the author must learn the basics of a religion before writing about it. Just try to understand, Vedas are revealed by God over the authority of Humans. It is Humans who chant Vedas, not God. So when it is written “destroy those who hates us” it is the Humans who are praying it to God. And these verses are not promoting violence because they are just prayers of Humans, and not the commandment of God.
Then he quoted AV 10:3:3, which is addresibg to human beings. Surprisingly, author didn't used Arya samaj translation this time. Let me provide it.
Let me provide some more translations,
3. This charm, this Varana healeth all diseases, bright with a thou- sand eyes and golden glister.This charm shall conquer and cast down thy foemen. Be thou the first to slay the men who hate thee. (Griffith)
Sriram Sharma translation;
This verse is actually talking about a charm; varana which is helpful to conquer enemies. As per Acharya viadyanathand other Arya Samaji translators, enemies refer to diseases. But this time author didn't used there translation. Verse 5 of the sukta made clear that these enemies are diseases. Moreover, even if it is talking about enemies, in 16th verse it is written:
"Cut them in pieces, Varana! before their destined term of life, Those who would hurt his cattle, those who fain would harm. the realm he rules." It makes clear that the verse is talking about yajaman. If it is talking about god, why it is asking to protect his cattle and him? So it is also clearly referring to humans.
Then he said why god kill those who hates hates him and hate his devotees? Till now author didn't gave any verse which ask to kill those who hate god. And explanation regarding the verses which ask to kill those who hate is devotees is that these verses are not saying that God will kill them or god should kill them. Vedas contain the prayers which yajamana do so yajamana is just praying to God to destroy his enemies which is not wrong in any sense.
Then he quoted AV 13:3:1 and 12:5:52 are praying to destroy those who rob and harm Brahmins. Is there anything worng in it? The wrongdoers should be punished. Again it is not talking about Infidels but criminals. Then he quoted verses from Manusmriti 8:417 which is talking about shudras and not non hindus. I don't know how can shudra be interpreted as infidel by author. I explained this verse in my blog regarding casteism so no need to explain it again. Then he quoted MS 9:31-33. No such thing is written in 9:31-33. You can read.
Atharva Veda 12.5.62 “Rend, rend to bits, rend through and through, scorch and consume and burn to dust, the one who rejects the Vedas”
[This verse is translated from the Hindi Bhasya]
Arya Samaj commentary states:
“Godly persons shall always be ready to kill irreligious people”
[Kshemkarandas Trivedi (Arya Samaj) on Atharva Veda 12.5.62, page 576]
[Source: http://aryasamajjamnagar.org/atharvaveda_v2/pages/p576.gif ]
He writes on Atharva Veda 12.5.54
‘‘Vedic followers should destroy infidels“- Kshem Karan Das Trivedi on Atharva Veda 12.5.54, page 574 [Source: http://aryasamajjamnagar.org/atharvaveda_v2/pages/p574.gif ]
Hindu god Vishnu says,
Vishnu Purana 3.17 When the glorious Vishnu heard their prayers he emitted from his person an illusory form wliich he gave to the celestials and said. “This illusory form shall so deceive the Daityas, so that being led astray from the path of the Vedas, they may be put to death ; for all gods, demons and others, who shall transgress the authority of the Veda, shall perish by my prowess which I exercise for the preservation of the universe. Go then ; be not affraid ; this illusory form shall go before you. celestials, it shall be of great service to you, this day.
Veda also commands to kill the enemies of Vedas,
Atharva Veda 2.12.6 …Burn down the enemies of Vedas.
Griffith has translated the word Brahmadvish as “Haters of Prayer/devotion” which is also correct but the definition “Those who hate Vedas” is precisely correct, other correct definition is ‘Enemies of Vedas’. Dayanand Saraswati founder of Arya Samaj gives the following meaning,
“Brahmadivsh = The enemies of Vedas and Ishwar.
[Rig Veda Dayanand Saraswati Hindi Bhasya, Mandala 2, page 323]
Vidya Martanda also endorsed his Guru’s definition,
[Rig Veda, By Acharya Dharma Deva Vidya Martanda, Vol 3, p.469, Published by Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, April 2002 Reprint]
Satya Prakash Saraswati defines Brahmadvish as,
[Rig Veda Samhita, by Satya Prakash Saraswati and Vidyalankar, Vol 4, page no 1294, Published by Veda Pratishthana, New Delhi, 1977]
Swami Prabhupada the founder of ISKCON gives the following meaning,
‘‘One who is envious of the Vedas, of a qualified Brahmana or of the Brahmana caste is called Brahma-dvis”
[Krishna The Supreme Personality of Godhead: A Summary Study of Srimad-Bhagavatam’s Tenth Canto, Part 2, by A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, page 304, Publisher Bhaktivedanta Trust, 2003 Edition]
Besides Pandit Jaydev Sharma also translates it as ‘The enemies of Vedas’, Almost every commentator and translator has given the same meaning.
Rig Veda 2.23.4 “O God and learned person! you take the people to the target through the path of religion and justice and protect them. If you commit a sin, the soul or God is not infested with it. Those who denounce the Vedas and God, you cast your anger on them. Therefore, we should admire your greatness.” Tr. Acharya Dharma Deva Vidya Martanda (Arya Samaj).
Atharva Veda 20.93.1 …destroy the enemies of Vedas
Rig Veda 6.22.8 …burn down the enemies of God, Vedas and the malice…
Rig Veda 6.52.3 …cast your destroying weapon for the destruction of the enemies of Veda, wealth and crops.
Atharva Veda 20.96.4 …he slays, unasked, the enemies of Vedas.
Rig Veda 6.22.8; 6.52.3, Atharva veda 20.96.4; 2.12.6 are translated into English from the Hindi Bhashya.
My response
He used the the commentry of an Arya Samaji in AV 12:5:62.
This verse is asking to kill adharmis whom author translated as irreligious which shows how stupid he is. The word Dharma is translated as religion but it has a very vast meaning. In Mahabharata, Kauravas are Sadi adharmis but even they were hindus. Mahabharata is called war of Dharma but no non Hindu participated in it. Adharmi word is used for dutyless and lawless evil people who don't follow rules of society. The word Ved virdohi is added by by translator it is not present in the Sanskrit mantra and translator clarified in commentry that he is referring to adharmis. This verse is asking to kill those who harms Brahmana. You can check
62. Rend, rend to bits, rend through and through, scorch and con- sume and burn to dust,
You have to read the whole chapter to get the context. The entire Vishnu Purana 3.17 is all about Devas lost when they fought with the Daityas. The reason is because Daityas followed the path of the Vedas very strictly, so Devas couldn’t able to defeat them. Then, Devas went to Vishnu and requested Vishnu to help them in defeating Daityas. Vishnu agreed to help them. Vishnu emitted from his body an illusory form and gave it to Devas. Vishnu then said this illusory form shall deceive the Daityas as a result they would stop following the Vedas, after that it would be easier to put them to death.
Then he quoted several verse which pray to destroy those who hate god and Vedas. I ask what's wrong in this? It is asking to kill haters of Vedas not non hindus. There is a difference between not following Vedas and hating Vedas. These verses are actually praying for protection front hose who hate their religion. It is actually referring to rakshasas as I already clarified they used to attack sacrifices and hindus. I am quoting RV 3:30:17 to support my claim;
उद वर्ह रक्षः सहमूलमिन्द्र वर्श्चा मध्यं परत्यग्रंश्र्णीहि |
आ कीवतः सललूकं चकर्थ बरह्मद्विषे तपुषिं हेतिमस्य ||
Pluck up the Raksasas, Indra, by the root; cut as under the middle, blight the summit: to whatever remote (regions) you have driven the sinner, cast upon the enemy of the Veda you consuming weapon.
So Brahmadvish word is actually used for those rakshasas who used to attack vedic people and used to hate them.
So now I have answered all the allegations. Thanks for reading!
Excellent keep it up
ReplyDeleteOutstanding...keep on refuting his rascaldom...