Are Hindu gods cheater? Vedkabhed exposed

This blog is in response to another blog written by Vedkabhed. Suleiman's Claim In the Vedas, homage is paid to Rudra in following epithets, Yajur Veda 16.20-22 “…homage to the towering sword-bearer, to the Lord of thieves homage! Homage to the gliding robber…Homage to the cheat, to the arch-deceiver, to the Lord of stealers homage…to the Lord of robbers homage…to the Lord of plunderers homage…Lord of land-grabbers homage…” Tr. Ralph T.H. Griffith Devi Bhagavatam 7.33.1-19 “I am the “Sutrâtman, Hiranyagarbha that resides in subtle bodies and it is I that am the Virât, residing in the gross bodies. I am Brahmâ, Visnu, and Mahes’vara; I am the Brâhmâ, Vaisnavi and Raudrî S’aktis. I am the Sun, I am the Moon, I am the Stars; I am beast, birds, Chandâlas and I am the Thief, I am the cruel hunter; I am the virtuous highsouled persons and I am the female, male, and hermaphrodite. There is no doubt in this. O Mountain! Wherever there is anything, seen or heard, I always exist there...